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wHy sO caLLed fRiEndS!!!
The meaning of friend is:
A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace.
And makes the world we live in a better and happier place.
bUt fOr mE Friend is s0me0ne y0u cAn dEpEnd on. ThEy aRe aLwAys thEre t0 guide and t0 help y0u. I trEat my cl0se fRieNds as a pArt of my family. I alwAys mAke my sELf available EvEry tiMe my friends have a problem. I treAsure evEry m0ment that we aRe t0gether aNd i'm hApPy evEry time my fRieNds have an AcHieVemEnt. I ReaLLy aPpReCiAte my Friends because they are true t0 me, they care f0r mE And m0st 0f aLL thEy LOVE me.
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